Cyber-Physical Systems

RAILS Project: first deliverable and dissemination results


Dear Colleagues,
I would like to inform you that the RAILS project has produced its first deliverable that can be downloaded from:
As part of project dissemination activities, we have organized the 1st International Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for RAILwayS” (AI4RAILS):


The Springer proceedings of AI4RAILS are available at:

and can be downloaded for a limited time (until October 1st 2020) from:


Finally, the paper entitled “Low-Power Wide-Area Networks in Intelligent Transportation: Review and Opportunities for Smart-Railways”, co-authored with Linnaeus University master student Ruth Dirnfeld, has been recently presented at the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) according to the following updated program:


Presentation slides are available on slideshare.


Any feedback on all those initiatives and preliminary results is very much appreciated!


Prof. Francesco Flammini

RAILS Technical Manager, AI4RAILS Co-Chair



Chapter on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity accepted for inclusion in upcoming Springer book


I am glad that our students continue to collaborate with us and succeed years after their graduation. I would like to congratulate Mauro José Pappaterra – whom I have supervised at Linnaeus University and is now studying at Uppsala University – for this recent achievement: the chapter entitled “Bayesian Networks for online threat detection” (co-authored by Mauro and myself) has been accepted for inclusion in the upcoming book entitled “Machine Intelligence and Big Data Analytics For Cybersecurity Applications” to be published by Springer Nature in book series “STUDIES IN COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE”. The chapter extends the research started with:
Mauro is also involved in the #railsproject contributing to deliverable D1.1 about AI and railway taxonomy with materials developed in its master’s thesis.
#artificialintelligence #cybersecurity #bayesnetworks


Paper now available at:



Paper on IoT Self-Healing accepted at 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference


The paper entitled “Towards Self-Healing in the Internet of Things by Log Analytics and Process Mining” (Singh PJ. Flammini F, Caporuscio M, Saman Azari M, Thornadtsson J) has been accepted for presentation at the 30th European Safety and Reliability Conference and 15th Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (ESREL2020-PSAM15), to be held in Venice, Italy on June 21-26 2020, and publication in the conference book of proceedings.

Link to the paper on Researchgate:


UPDATE November 2020:



Project RAILS (Roadmaps for AI integration in the raiL Sector) selected for EU funding (Horizon2020 – Shift2Rail JU)


The research project named RAILS (Roadmaps for AI integration in the raiL Sector) has been selected for EU funding by the Horizon 2020 Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking (call ID: S2R-OC-IPX-01-2019). The project will be in cooperation between Linnaeus University, Italian Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics (CINI), Delft University of Technology, University of Leeds, and will leverage on the input from big industry players like Hitachi Rail STS.



The overall objective of the RAILS research project is to investigate the potential of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) approaches in the rail sector and contribute to the definition of roadmaps for future research in next generation signalling systems, operational intelligence, and network management. RAILS will address the training of PhD students to support the research
capacity in A.I. within the rail sector across Europe by involving research institutions in four different countries with a combined background in both computer science and transportation systems. RAILS will produce knowledge, ground breaking research and experimental proof-of-concepts for the adoption of A.I. in rail automation, predictive maintenance and defect detection, traffic planning and capacity optimization. To that aim, RAILS will combine A.I. paradigms with the Internet of Things, in order to leverage on the big amount of data generated by smart sensors and applications. The research activities will be conducted in continuity with ongoing research in railways, but the methodological and technological concepts developed in RAILS are expected to stimulate further innovation providing new research directions to improve reliability, maintainability, safety, security, and performance. With respect to safety, emerging threats and certification issues will be addressed when adopting A.I. in autonomous and cooperative driving, based on the concepts of “explainable A.I.” and “Trustworthy AI”. With respect to cyber-physical threat detection, innovative approaches will be developed based on A.I. models like Artificial Neural Networks and Bayesian Networks together with multi-sensor data fusion and artificial vision. Resilience and optimization techniques based on genetic algorithms and self-healing will be addressed to face failures and service disruptions as well as to increase efficiency and line capacity. All those techniques will pave the way to the development of the new “Railway 4.0”.


LNU Project Page


RAILS Project Website

IoT tech day August 29th


Who said that Internet of Things has to be difficult? Linnaeus University and Kalmar Energi invites you to an inspirational day with the theme IoT. The researchers from the CPS-group are co-organizing the event.

During the inspirational day, we will showcase various uses and give ideas for new business opportunities using Internet of Things. This is interesting not least because it is now possible to use an open IoT network in Kalmar to freely test and develop.

The IoT technology is now so simple and, most importantly, cheap that all that is required is a little time and interest in turning ideas into reality.

The inspirational day will also be broadcast live on the Internet. The link will be announced later. The presentations will be held in both Swedish and English.

For more information about the program, speakers, how to register and the follow-up workshops please see the event website.



UPDATE August 30th 2019

Pictures taken from the talk of the invited speaker Dr. Usman Raza (Principal Research Engineer, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd)

Slides about IoT Research & Education at LNU:


Post-Event News (in Swedish)