Cyber-Physical Systems

Seminar on Performance Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems


We would like to thank our new research assistant Lorenzo Pagliari for the seminar he held this morning (December 6th 2019, 9.00-10.00) in Växjö campus about “Performance Engineering Cyber-Physical Systems“.

Please find below the abstract and the slides of his talk.



Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are the consequence of today’s technology progression. They were born as natural evolution of a very large family of systems such as embedded systems, complex systems and system of systems and many others. Technology improvements give us more computational power, more powerful telecommunication architectures and more efficient software and algorithms that characterize the smart feature that is so widespread and used in the last few years. New terms such as “smart robots”, “smart industry”, “smart automotive” are becoming more popular and widespread used. Besides that, all these new type of systems are attracting more and more attention of the respective research communities. Therefore, with a new type of system that is strongly impacting many different realities, the importance of performance engineering them properly is rising.

SLIDES: Pagliari_PerformanceEngineering_CPS


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact him or Mauro Caporuscio.

IoT tech day August 29th


Who said that Internet of Things has to be difficult? Linnaeus University and Kalmar Energi invites you to an inspirational day with the theme IoT. The researchers from the CPS-group are co-organizing the event.

During the inspirational day, we will showcase various uses and give ideas for new business opportunities using Internet of Things. This is interesting not least because it is now possible to use an open IoT network in Kalmar to freely test and develop.

The IoT technology is now so simple and, most importantly, cheap that all that is required is a little time and interest in turning ideas into reality.

The inspirational day will also be broadcast live on the Internet. The link will be announced later. The presentations will be held in both Swedish and English.

For more information about the program, speakers, how to register and the follow-up workshops please see the event website.



UPDATE August 30th 2019

Pictures taken from the talk of the invited speaker Dr. Usman Raza (Principal Research Engineer, Toshiba Research Europe Ltd)

Slides about IoT Research & Education at LNU:


Post-Event News (in Swedish)