The Flow
🌊The News in Kunskapsmiljö Linné – Vatten 💧Week 7 2025 🌊
In this issue: Knowledge Forum: KM Vatten & Kalmar Sound Commission joint event at LNU, EuniWell Seed Funding Call, Baltic Sea Nitrogen Cycling Network seminars, Carbon budgeting for researchers workshop, Master Class with Sverker Sörlin – a resounding success
Kunskapsforum: Research sharing with KM Vatten researchers and the Kalmar Sound Commission
Date & Time: March 12th, 09.00 – 16.00
Place: Lapis auditorium, Culmen, Linnaeus University Kalmar Campus
Language: Swedish

Welcome to an exciting knowledge-sharing event at Linnaeus University, in collaboration with the Kalmar Sound Commission (Kalmarsundskommissionen, KSK)! This commission brings together key policy stakeholders from municipalities around Kalmar Sound, focusing on initiatives for nutrient retention aligned with the Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP), HELCOM’s strategy for achieving good environmental status in the Baltic Sea.
Join us on March 12th in Lapis as our KM Vatten research team presents a range of studies relevant to KSK members, followed by an engaging “World Café workshop.” Topics will include:
- Bevattningsdammar och biologisk mångfald
- Sura sulfatsjordar
- PFAS och Biokol
- Sediment
- Mikroalger och processvatten
We are excited to welcome esteemed KM Vatten speakers: Elin Lindehoff, Petter Tibblin, Oscar Nordahl, Samuel Hylander, Mats Åström, Anna Augustsson, and Marcelo Ketzer.
This forum is open to anyone interested in the intersection of academia and public policy. The event will be conducted in Swedish.
Register here: or scan the QR code below. We hope to see you there!

Apply now: EUniWell launches the 8th Seed Funding Call!
Deadline: 16th March
Maximum available funding: €25,000

Bring your project idea to life
The EUniWell Seed Funding Programme continues to foster collaboration and exchange throughout the Alliance and beyond. All students, researchers, educators, and administrative staff from the EUniWell universities are encouraged to submit their project ideas addressing EUniWell’s core commitments to advance well-being in health, education, the personal and institutional sphere, as well as in society and culture.
Call outlines and matchmaking
Collaborative proposals must be submitted by members of staff or matriculated students from at least four universities of the EUniWell Alliance.
Each project can receive a maximum funding grant of €25,000 to be distributed amongst the project partners and lasting a maximum of 12 months.
If you have a project idea and are still looking for additional collaborators, or if you want to contribute to a project, please fill out this form. You will be contacted with further information on the matchmaking process.
The 8th Seed Funding Call for proposals is open from 20 January 2025. All applications must be handed in until 16 March 2025 23:59 CET (22:59 GMT / 00:59 EET). The funding decision will be communicated in early May, with projects scheduled to start on 1 June 2025.
More info here!
Baltic Sea Nitrogen Cycling Network – weekly Thursday seminars!
The Baltic Sea Nitrogen Cycling Network is back with a series of seminars for spring term!

Open workshop for all academic researchers in Sweden on carbon budgeting, hosted by KTH and Högskolan i Borås:
Datum: 2025-03-25
Tid: 10:00–11:45
Plats: Digitalt möte, Zoomlänk: kommer senare. Anmälan: senast 21 mars. |

Master Class with Sverker Sörlin: A Triumph of Knowledge Exchange
In a gathering that highlighted the intersection of environmental history and current research, our recent Master Class led by Sverker Sörlin—now an honorary doctor at Linnaeus University and a prominent figure in the field—proved to be an exhilarating success. The event fostered an atmosphere of inspiring academic discourse, drawing participants from a rich tapestry of research backgrounds.
Sörlin, renowned for his profound insights into environmental issues, facilitated a dialogue that not only engaged attendees but also sparked new ideas and collaborations. The feedback from participants has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the event’s role in bridging diverse perspectives and fostering a sense of community among scholars.
As KM Vatten reflects on the success of this endeavor, we look forward to planning future workshops that promise to continue this spirit of collaborative exploration. Thanks to all participants for the inspiration!

Thanks for reading!