Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten

Allt inom vatten

~The flow ~ Week 9, 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 9


Highlighted KM Vatten Research: Seminal international article on salinization and insufficient water quality guidelines

Interreg South Baltic project funded: DIGI-Preneurs

EMBRC Event April 4-5

BTH Science Park – your next collaborative partner?

How to help researchers in Ukraine


LNU Researchers Hylander and Lundgren published in seminal international work on salination

Salt pollution caused mainly by road deicing salts has been shown to seriously damage the ecosystems of freshwater lakes, and current governmental water quality guidelines around this issue do not adequately protect these lakes.

“Leveraging the results from a network of experiments conducted across North America and Europe, we showed that salt pollution triggers a massive loss of important zooplankton taxa, which led to increased phytoplankton biomass at many study sites.”

LNU Researchers Samuel Hylander and Maria Lundgren co-authored this seminal article, published last week in PNAS.

To read the full article: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2115033119
Current water quality guidelines across North America and Europe do not protect lakes from Authors Info & Affiliations February 22, 2022 | 119 (9) e2115033119 | https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2115033119


Interreg South Baltic

KM Vatten researcher Per Servais and colleagues have just been awarded funding through the seed funding projects of Interreg South Baltic. Diigi-PRENEURS – for innovative internationalization of SME´s in the blue and green sectors in the South Baltic Area.

“The nucleus for a DIGI-PRENEUR project is the business model innovation and the digital transformation that many business organizations have experienced during the recent pandemics. Developing digital sustainable international business models (DIBM) based on the added value by information technology, incorporating export marketing (entry modes, market communication etc.) and branding will achieve a significant influence on developing SMEs as DIGI-PRENEURS in the future in the SBA.”





BTH Science Park – Collaboration in the works

BTH Science Park in

Karlskrona is interested in collaborating with Linnaeus University Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten. If you’re a scientist whose research is in marine biotechnology, environmental impact assessments, wind parks, or other innovative solutions in the marine sector, please reach out to caliac@lnu.se to learn more about collaborating with this new think tank.


How to Help Scientists in Ukraine: https://scienceforukraine.eu/help.html



**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se



The Flow – Week 7, 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 7


Young Researchers Conference: September 28-29; A KM Vatten, Green Sustainable Development Joint venture

Resource: Strategic partnerships

Did you know?: Livet i havet




September 28-29: Linné Young Researchers Conference

Welcome to the first annual Young Researchers Conference, September 28-29, 2022 in Växjö!
The LNU Knowledge Environments Green Sustainable Development and Water are pleased to announced their jointly sponsored conference for early career researchers in green and blue sustainable development.
The goals of the knowledge environments are to tackle societal challenges in the areas of blue and green sustainability, to network with researchers of different academic backgrounds and expertise, and form strategic partnerships outside of academia for the purpose of research and outreach.
The Young Researchers Conference is geared towards PhD students and Postdocs who are interested in addressing these challenges in their research, who want to form lasting collegial relationships with other researchers outside their fields.
The YRC promotes knowledge development, interdisciplinary professional exchange, and an opportunity to grow.
More information about this conference and its content to follow soon. Stay tuned!


Creating partnerships: A resource 

A guide to Strategic Partnerships: Structure collaboration between academia and wider society
Are you looking to develop partnerships outside of academia to promote research and develop new projects? This guide to strategic partnerships is a useful guide to get you started.




EMBRC Kickoff: April 5-6

EMBRC is a pan-European research infrastructure (RI) aimed to support and develop marine research. Linnaeus University, sponsored by Knowledge Environment: Water, will join with other Swedish institutions to increase the availability of marine biological material, experimental facilities, data sets and time series for national and international researchers. EMBRC SE will make Europe’s best equipped marine infrastructures available for Swedish scientists and facilitate access to the Swedish marine RI’s for both national and international researchers. Swedish membership in EMBRC guarantees full voting rights on decisions about rules & routines within the future implementation of the European marine infrastructures. The EMBRC Kickoff will be held in April, hosted by LNU.



Did you know?
A mobile app titled Livet i Havet, developed by Havsmiljöinstitutet is a resource containing images and information for hundreds of species and environments in the Baltic and North Seas. A great learning and reference tool for all ages!