Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten

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The Flow – Week 15


 ~The flow ~ Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten    

Latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 15


EMBRC kicks off at LNU


A new wellness center for Kalmar: KM Vatten gets involved

Update: Young Researcher’s Conference

Don’t miss! Anabella Aguilera in CYANOWORLD online seminar


  EMBRC Kicks off at LNU

The leadership of  EMBRC Sweden met last week to kick off our national membership in this European network of marine biological resource centres. The EMBRC  “offers a variety of high-quality services supporting both fundamental and applied research activities in Europe and beyond.” Now in 2022, Sweden will officially become a member of this network.

The leadership of EMBRC Sweden: Top row, L-R: Niklas D Andersson, Pierre de Wit, Tina Elfwing, Matthias Obst. Bottom row, L-R: Fredrik Gröndal, Mikael Thollesson, Gunilla Rosenqvist, Jarone Pinhassi


What is EMBRC?

The European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC) is Europe’s ‘research infrastructure’ for marine biological resources. We provide access to marine resources, as well as cutting-edge services and facilities that allow researchers, from both academia and industry, to study the ocean and develop innovative solutions to tackle societal issues.

[source: https://www.embrc.eu/about-us]

Stay tuned for more information on KM Vatten’s involvement in EMBRC and how you can take part in this exciting new venture.



Kalmar Kommun + Industry + LNU         
A new wellness center for Kalmar – KM Vatten gets involved

A meeting of the minds last week as members of Havsmiljöinstitutet, Kalmar Kommunand KM Vatten/Lnu, and Kunskapsporten, a Swedish building and development company, gathered together in Stormaren to discuss an exciting new project: A new wellness center for Kalmar. Set to be completed in 2025, this 15,000 square meter building will house a pool, spa and restaurants, and will be built north of Kalmar central. Why is KM Vatten getting involved? Kunskapsporten CEO Joakim Ollén has a vision to establish the entrance of Kunskapsporten as a free and permanent exhibition, dedicated to water research and education and for the public. KM Vatten researchers who are interested in outreach and development and would like to get involved should contact caliac@lnu.se . Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to tell the story of your research, reach a wide audience, and get involved!



Update: Young Researchers Conference (YRC), September 28 – 29    
Planning is underway for the Young Researchers Conference, a 2-day, joint event promoted by Knowledge Environments Water and Green Sustainable Development.


This 2-day workshop is planned BY postdocs and PhDs FOR postdocs and PhDs! Set to take place in Växjö, the YRC will enable collaboration between faculties at LNU and will foster creative, interdisciplinary research at our university. Workshops are designed to tackle real-world societal problems based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals by using your own research tools and cross-collaborative disciplines.


Attending this conference will elevate and strengthen your research network, help communicate your research at the university level, and form lasting bonds with early career researchers outside your circle.


Also included: Two lunches and a dinner at Teleborg Castle. Travel and accommodations for attendees from outside Växjö.


Up to 2 credits will be available for PhD students for attending this workshop, subject to examinator’s discretion.


How do I attend?

Glad you asked! The official YRC website will be published April 19th,  with registration, abstract, and poster info.


 Visit the  KM Vatten Blog to peruse the newsletter archive and stay on the lookout for in-depth interviews with our researchers.


**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se

The Flow ~ Week 11 ~ 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 11 



Ecochange funded for 2 more years


New report from Svenskt Vatten



Ecochange granted 2 more years of funding

The Ecochange research program, a collaboration between research groups at LNU and Umeå Universities, has been granted another two years of funding. Ecochange research endeavors are focused on the study of food web ecology and climate change effects in the Baltic Sea. A collective of research groups led by fifteen PIs at both universities, as well as SLU and  international collaborators, Ecochange has produced over 300 peer-reviewed articles on Baltic Sea climate change research between its inception in 2011, has graduated over fifty doctoral and master students, and has established itself as a vital partner in the Swedish Agency for Sea and Water Management. Its role in Baltic Sea research is wide-reaching and unparalleled. For more information on Ecochange, visit https://www.umu.se/en/ecochange/.

Sustainable water use in Sweden: A new report

New report from Svenskt Vatten: Vilket vatten till vad?Hållbar vattenförsörjning genom användning av alternativa vattenkällor 

A new report from Svenskt Vatten describes the effect of climate change on water sources, and how water can be circulated in society to a greater extent than it is today.

A new report from Svenskt Vatten describes the effect of climate change on water sources, and how water can be circulated in society to a greater extent than it is today.


To manage our future water supply, we need to cooperate and find new solutions for decreasing the drinking water usage for purposes where drinking water quality is not needed. This report is meant to help the reader understand how alternative water sources can be used more efficiently.


Click here to download a PDF version of this report by Esmerelda Frihammar and Josefin Barup.



Ahead of the launch of the EU4Algae stakeholder forum, DG MARE are collecting views, needs and expectations from EU algae stakeholders.

The EU4Algae project will support the implementation of the EU Algae Initiative and its action plan to increase the production of algae and bring more algae species to the EU market.

This survey is collecting feedback from algae stakeholders to inform the design of the community and how it functions. Complete the survey by 28 March 2022 here.

In 2021, ERRIN’s ad hoc group on algae drawn from the Blue Economy and Bioeconomy Working Groups produced a position paper on the EU Algae Strategy – read it here.


See original post here: https://errin.eu/news/consultation-eu4algae-stakeholder-forum

~The flow ~ Week 9, 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 9


Highlighted KM Vatten Research: Seminal international article on salinization and insufficient water quality guidelines

Interreg South Baltic project funded: DIGI-Preneurs

EMBRC Event April 4-5

BTH Science Park – your next collaborative partner?

How to help researchers in Ukraine


LNU Researchers Hylander and Lundgren published in seminal international work on salination

Salt pollution caused mainly by road deicing salts has been shown to seriously damage the ecosystems of freshwater lakes, and current governmental water quality guidelines around this issue do not adequately protect these lakes.

“Leveraging the results from a network of experiments conducted across North America and Europe, we showed that salt pollution triggers a massive loss of important zooplankton taxa, which led to increased phytoplankton biomass at many study sites.”

LNU Researchers Samuel Hylander and Maria Lundgren co-authored this seminal article, published last week in PNAS.

To read the full article: https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2115033119
Current water quality guidelines across North America and Europe do not protect lakes from Authors Info & Affiliations February 22, 2022 | 119 (9) e2115033119 | https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2115033119


Interreg South Baltic

KM Vatten researcher Per Servais and colleagues have just been awarded funding through the seed funding projects of Interreg South Baltic. Diigi-PRENEURS – for innovative internationalization of SME´s in the blue and green sectors in the South Baltic Area.

“The nucleus for a DIGI-PRENEUR project is the business model innovation and the digital transformation that many business organizations have experienced during the recent pandemics. Developing digital sustainable international business models (DIBM) based on the added value by information technology, incorporating export marketing (entry modes, market communication etc.) and branding will achieve a significant influence on developing SMEs as DIGI-PRENEURS in the future in the SBA.”





BTH Science Park – Collaboration in the works

BTH Science Park in

Karlskrona is interested in collaborating with Linnaeus University Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten. If you’re a scientist whose research is in marine biotechnology, environmental impact assessments, wind parks, or other innovative solutions in the marine sector, please reach out to caliac@lnu.se to learn more about collaborating with this new think tank.


How to Help Scientists in Ukraine: https://scienceforukraine.eu/help.html



**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se



The Flow – Week 7, 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 7


Young Researchers Conference: September 28-29; A KM Vatten, Green Sustainable Development Joint venture

Resource: Strategic partnerships

Did you know?: Livet i havet




September 28-29: Linné Young Researchers Conference

Welcome to the first annual Young Researchers Conference, September 28-29, 2022 in Växjö!
The LNU Knowledge Environments Green Sustainable Development and Water are pleased to announced their jointly sponsored conference for early career researchers in green and blue sustainable development.
The goals of the knowledge environments are to tackle societal challenges in the areas of blue and green sustainability, to network with researchers of different academic backgrounds and expertise, and form strategic partnerships outside of academia for the purpose of research and outreach.
The Young Researchers Conference is geared towards PhD students and Postdocs who are interested in addressing these challenges in their research, who want to form lasting collegial relationships with other researchers outside their fields.
The YRC promotes knowledge development, interdisciplinary professional exchange, and an opportunity to grow.
More information about this conference and its content to follow soon. Stay tuned!


Creating partnerships: A resource 

A guide to Strategic Partnerships: Structure collaboration between academia and wider society
Are you looking to develop partnerships outside of academia to promote research and develop new projects? This guide to strategic partnerships is a useful guide to get you started.




EMBRC Kickoff: April 5-6

EMBRC is a pan-European research infrastructure (RI) aimed to support and develop marine research. Linnaeus University, sponsored by Knowledge Environment: Water, will join with other Swedish institutions to increase the availability of marine biological material, experimental facilities, data sets and time series for national and international researchers. EMBRC SE will make Europe’s best equipped marine infrastructures available for Swedish scientists and facilitate access to the Swedish marine RI’s for both national and international researchers. Swedish membership in EMBRC guarantees full voting rights on decisions about rules & routines within the future implementation of the European marine infrastructures. The EMBRC Kickoff will be held in April, hosted by LNU.



Did you know?
A mobile app titled Livet i Havet, developed by Havsmiljöinstitutet is a resource containing images and information for hundreds of species and environments in the Baltic and North Seas. A great learning and reference tool for all ages!

The Flow – Week 5, 2022


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 5, 2022


KM Vatten latest news
Swedish Climate Symposium

UN Ocean Conference

For KM Vatten PIs – Sustainability course inventory



KM Vatten: Seed projects funded

Congratulations to Samuel Hylander (BOM) and Tobias König (Ekonomihögskolan), whose projects have been awarded seed funding from KM Vatten.

Hylander’s project, “Ny kurs: Hur bevarar vi vårt vatten för kommande generationer,” will focus on the development of a new water management course to be offered both to students and professionals. The aim of the course is to increase knowledge on water administration to those who currently work in the field, as well as those who will do so in the future. The course will, ultimately, strengthen collaboration between Linnaeus University and career, as well as to give students valuable contacts in the future. 

König’s project will focus on behavioral approaches towards sustainable water consumption by collecting experimental data using different behavioral instruments. Ultimately, the aim is to provide evidence-based policy recommendations on effective measures towards sustainable water use.

Both projects demonstrate the values of KM: Vatten – collaboration between faculties, as well as Linnaeus University and municipalities and industry, to address regional water challenges. We look forward to sending out more updates on these endeavors! 

Swedish Climate Symposium

The SMHI, the Strategic Research Areas MERGE and BECC, and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research are pleased to announce the inaugural Swedish Climate Symposium to take place on 16-18 May, 2022, in Norrköping, Sweden

For programme, registration and abstract submission visit www.swedishclimatesymposium.com


Funding opportunity

UN Ocean Conference
Digital: 1st February 2022, 08.30 – 09.30

Welcome to an informational meeting and brainstorm for the Stockholm +50 and UN Ocean Conferences, and how these link to marine research.

Havsmiljöinstitutet, Hav och samhälle och Swemarc invite you to a breakfast meeting for hearing ideas about which sea-related questions we can discuss in the coming conferences.

We will receive short lectures from Helen Ågren, Sweden’s Marine Ambassador, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Isabel Sarenmalm, Stockholm +50 Secretariat, the Ministry of the Environment, who will discuss expectations and wishes from the government. Petra Wallberg, Formas, will also inform about how the conferences connect to the Swedish work with the UN Decade for Marine Research for Sustainable Development, the EU’s five Missions 2021-2030 and the partnership program “A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy”.

Register here: https://sunet.artologik.net/gu/Survey/15991
Pre-registration required.


**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se

**Apologies for any double-sending






The Weekly Flow – Week 45 – 2021


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 45

Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten


The funding issue

3 exciting funding opportunities in the fields of water, sustainability, business and innovation

EU Regional Development Fund

A current call for EU Regional Development Funds (ERDF) is open to 50% financing of seed funding projects in Småland and the islands.

ERDF will co-finance up to 400.000 SEK seed funding projects that are co-financed by the regions in Småland (Kronoberg, Kalmar, Jönköping, Gotland). The regions may provide up to 50% co-financing of total seed project (prestudy) budget.

The goals of the ERDF with this call is the development of smart transformation of small and medium business, especially in the areas of innovation, digitalization, circular economy, effectivization of energy or renewable energy sources, and adaptation to climate change.

The Småland + Island Regions prioritize smart specialization, diversification and renewal of SMEs in collaboration with accademia.


Current call available at Lnu ad: https://lnu.se/medarbetare/forum/horisont-europa—eus-nya-ramprogram-for-forskning-och-innovation/tillvaxtverket-har-oppnat-en-utlysning-fran-europeiska-regionalutvecklingsfond-/

Deadline to Tillväxtverket is 13 December. Co-financing decision from a region must be secured prior to ERUF application.

Do you have an idea you want to develop? Want to learn more for future applications?


Contact Inga Aflaki for consultation or to connect you with Region Kalmar / Kronoberg.



Junior researchers – just for you!  

BalticWaters2030 Scholarship program for junior researchers


Deadline: 20 December 2021

Extent of aid

Funds of up to SEK 200,000 can be applied for for equipment, field studies, equipment and travel that are necessary to carry out the research. Salary funds will not be distributed. The scholarship can be awarded a maximum of twice to the same applicant. The foundation intends to distribute a maximum of SEK 1.5 million per year for this purpose.

Read more: https://balticwaters2030.org/stipendieprogram




KM Vatten Funding   

KM Vatten Call for Seed Funding

Deadline: December 10th 2021

The latest call for seed funding/funding for pilot projects  has now been announced!

The Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Water (KM Water) invites applications for seed funding and funding of pilot projects to support cross faculty collaborations connected to water issues. KM Water can support approximately 5 projects with funding for novel ideas addressing cross faculty questions connected to societal relevance issues.

KM Vatten seed funds can support the preparation of applications to external funders or for making pre-investigations of new ideas, and/or fund a pilot project that addresses the objectives of KM Water. Applications should preferably involve at least 2 faculties, or/and a collaboration with at least one non-academic partner.

The amount of money available per project is max 200,000 kr and can be used to cover time for external funding proposal writing, cover operation costs and salaries or buy external services.

You can find more information about this call here: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kunskapsmiljoer/vatten/




**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se



The weekly flow – Week 42, 2021


The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 42, 2021

EventsRead about the Kalmarsundskommission Think Tank

Highlighted research

Paper in Nature, Energy efficiency and biological interactions define the core microbiome of deep oligotrophic groundwater

Call for seed funding

New call for seed funding has been announced!

Recent Events

Kalmarsundskommissionen Think Tank on Öland, October 4th

A meeting of the minds in Kalmar Region to discuss water challenges and projects in the region

Biocoal, algae, reeds and mussels

Projects, industrial and research collaborations in the field:


A dialogue is underway regarding the production of biocoal between Kalmar Municipality, KSRR and Kalmar Energi. Conversion

of boilers for biocoal production are investigated at Kährs AB in Nybro, among other places. Biogas from reeds, and animal feed

of mussels, has been tested previously in the projects Biogas marine substrate and Baltic Blue Growth



Projects, industrial and research collaborations in the field of dredged material

  • A dredging project in Sjöboviken south of Oskarshamn is looking for an area of ​​use for its



Water in the landscape / agriculture / treatment plant and industry

Projects, industrial and research collaborations in the field of water supply

Water shortages and competition for water were discussed from different perspectives: Access to water for cultivation, groundwater and the possibility of artificial infiltration into drinking water. Can desalination can also be a solution for agriculture? How can and should wastewater and stormwater be used? How can we collaborate aroundtechnical water, i.e. water that does not need to have drinking water quality?

The day culminated in atrip to the Mörbylånga water desalination treatment center:

Highlighted Research

‒ By Mark Dopson

In collaboration with SLU, Uppsala and other universities, KM Vatten researcher Mark Dopson and his team have investigated how deep biosphere communities are able to survive in the extremely oligotrophic groundwaters of the Fennoscandian Shield. Using comparative genomics, they show that deep biosphere communities have common species in two sites on opposite sides of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, the community thrives via mutually beneficial partnerships of nutrient exchange and by growing in a stop-start manner when energy is available. The study was published in the journal Nature Communications at the link:https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-24549-z


Call for seed funding  

The latest call for seed funding/funding for pilot projects  has now been announced.

You can find it on our website: https://lnu.se/mot-linneuniversitetet/kunskapsmiljoer/vatten/

And also attached to this newsletter! Deadline: December 10th 2021