The Flow: LNU sustainability news, HELCOM workshop, PRIMO Mentorship program
Postat den 2nd September, 2024, 08:17 av caliac

New LNU sustainability blog
A new blog chronicles up-to-date information on sustainable development and equal rights news and activities here at Linnaeus University. Make sure to bookmark Linnés Hållbara Resa to stay current on all classes, conferences and strategies in development by LNU sustainability coordinators!
BSNCN: Invitation to Join HELCOM Online Workshop: ‘HOLAS to All’ Project Kick-Off

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission introduces the HOLAS to All project at HELCOM. Funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers, it aims to expand communication efforts and enhance ocean literacy and awareness, with a focus on the findings of the HOLAS 3 report. This project is designed to engage policymakers, scientists, the public and youth/children, with tailored messages to ensure the most effective outreach for each audience.
To kick off this project, you are invited you to participate in our online workshop. This session aims to gain feedback from a diverse network of people on Baltic Sea issues. The feedback will then be used to help shape future communication efforts at HELCOM.
Workshop Details:
· Date & Time: 11 September 2024, 9.00 CEST / 10.00 EEST until 11.30 CEST / 12.30 EEST
· Platform: Teams (Link to be sent via email prior to the workshop)
Who can attend?
EVERYONE! We are looking to host a vibrant mix of participants from all around the Baltic Sea including:
· General public
· Scientists
· Policymakers
· Industry professionals (agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing, etc.)
· NGOs
What to expect:
1. Dive into a brief overview of the current state of the Baltic Sea from an environmental perspective
2. Small group discussions with the facilitator – participate in environment-themed discussions and activities based on your stakeholder type (scientists, managers, public, youth, industry, etc.)
3. Brief review of workshop results
We value your expertise and would greatly appreciate your participation. As this is a project workshop, we will use Microsoft Forms for registration. If you are interested in joining, please sign up via this form by the 6 September 2024, so we can share the link to the Teams meeting. Sign up link:
As we are looking to expand our reach beyond the HELCOM network, we encourage you to share this invitation with external networks, institutions, or persons that may be interested. We look forward to your valuable contributions to this important project!
For more information on the HOLAS to All project see here: For further information please contact:
PRIMO Mentorship program

Apply by September 25th to the mentorship program funded by Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) working group ‘Physiology and Rates In Microbial Oceanography (PRIMO).
The PRIMO mentorship program aims to connect postdocs and senior graduate students from any nation with PRIMO scientists (full, associate and network members) to develop an international community of early career scientists interested in the goals of this working group. In addition to interacting with their PRIMO mentors, the fellows will participate in monthly PRIMO all-hands meetings (virtual) for at least 12 months. Limited travel support will also be available to participate in an in-person PRIMO meeting in the spring 2025 (date and location tbd).
Postdocs and senior graduate students from any nation are encouraged to apply, particularly those applicants who work in the areas of marine microbiology, microbial physiology, ocean metabolism, and biogeochemical cycling, with experimental and/or modelling backgrounds. Once in the mentorship program, PRIMO will work with the mentees to access funds, from SCOR and elsewhere, for possible laboratory exchanges and participation in scientific meetings.
If you would like to apply, please fill in this application form by September 25, 2024 (11:59 PM EST).
Det här inlägget postades den September 2nd, 2024, 08:17 och fylls under The Flow: KM Vatten's Official Newsletter