Welcome to ‘Mapping Saints’, the research project blog for Mapping Lived Religion: Medieval Cults of Saints in Sweden and Finland!
The blog belongs to a five-year digital humanities project with funding from the Swedish Research Council. The project members are currently building a comprehensive, online database that will provide users with access to data from cultural heritage collections (mainly museums, libraries, and archives) and previous research results through the principles of linked data. In this project, digital methods will be used to answer specific research questions centred around the concept of medieval “lived religion”, studying its expression in the material and textual sources related to the cults of saints. The digital aspect facilitates interdisciplinary research – archaeology, art history, and history – and allows for new perspectives in exploring this particular question. One way the project does this is through the creation of interactive, digital maps. This important digital component introduces a new aspect in terms of analyzing cult-sites both spatially and chronologically. The resource will be made freely available to other users when complete.
Blog-posts focusing on ongoing project work from various angles will be written by the project’s members: Sara Ellis Nilsson (researcher, PI), Anders Fröjmark (researcher), Lena Liepe (researcher), Terese Zachrisson (researcher), and Johan Åhlfeldt (research engineer).
For more information, see the project’s official home-page: https://lnu.se/en/research/searchresearch/forskningsprojekt/mapping-lived-religion-medieval-cults-of-saints-in-sweden-and-finland/
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