Kunskapsmiljö: Vatten

Allt inom vatten

The Flow – Week 5, 2022

Postat den 31st January, 2022, 11:15 av caliac

The latest news, views, and announcements in KM Vatten, Week 5, 2022


KM Vatten latest news
Swedish Climate Symposium

UN Ocean Conference

For KM Vatten PIs – Sustainability course inventory



KM Vatten: Seed projects funded

Congratulations to Samuel Hylander (BOM) and Tobias König (Ekonomihögskolan), whose projects have been awarded seed funding from KM Vatten.

Hylander’s project, “Ny kurs: Hur bevarar vi vårt vatten för kommande generationer,” will focus on the development of a new water management course to be offered both to students and professionals. The aim of the course is to increase knowledge on water administration to those who currently work in the field, as well as those who will do so in the future. The course will, ultimately, strengthen collaboration between Linnaeus University and career, as well as to give students valuable contacts in the future. 

König’s project will focus on behavioral approaches towards sustainable water consumption by collecting experimental data using different behavioral instruments. Ultimately, the aim is to provide evidence-based policy recommendations on effective measures towards sustainable water use.

Both projects demonstrate the values of KM: Vatten – collaboration between faculties, as well as Linnaeus University and municipalities and industry, to address regional water challenges. We look forward to sending out more updates on these endeavors! 

Swedish Climate Symposium

The SMHI, the Strategic Research Areas MERGE and BECC, and the Bolin Centre for Climate Research are pleased to announce the inaugural Swedish Climate Symposium to take place on 16-18 May, 2022, in Norrköping, Sweden

For programme, registration and abstract submission visit www.swedishclimatesymposium.com


Funding opportunity

UN Ocean Conference
Digital: 1st February 2022, 08.30 – 09.30

Welcome to an informational meeting and brainstorm for the Stockholm +50 and UN Ocean Conferences, and how these link to marine research.

Havsmiljöinstitutet, Hav och samhälle och Swemarc invite you to a breakfast meeting for hearing ideas about which sea-related questions we can discuss in the coming conferences.

We will receive short lectures from Helen Ågren, Sweden’s Marine Ambassador, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Isabel Sarenmalm, Stockholm +50 Secretariat, the Ministry of the Environment, who will discuss expectations and wishes from the government. Petra Wallberg, Formas, will also inform about how the conferences connect to the Swedish work with the UN Decade for Marine Research for Sustainable Development, the EU’s five Missions 2021-2030 and the partnership program “A climate neutral, sustainable and productive Blue Economy”.

Register here: https://sunet.artologik.net/gu/Survey/15991
Pre-registration required.


**Got something to share with KM Vatten? Do you have a new research project, a newly published paper or an idea? Write to  caliac@lnu.se

**Apologies for any double-sending






Det här inlägget postades den January 31st, 2022, 11:15 och fylls under The Flow: KM Vatten's Official Newsletter

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