Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

New research opportunities with Södra.


During late spring 2017, guest researcher Andreas Heberle spent some weeks to learn more about the needs and opportunities for joint research between Södra and tour DISA researchers. During these months Andreas has interviewed several domain experts at Södra and he found over 50 ideas and opportunities that could be the base for joint research.

Just before the summer holidays started, DISA researchers and experts from Södra gathered for a follow up workshop to discuss the potential next steps. The experts from Södra got the list with 50 ideas down to seven that were the most prioritized for them and in discussion with the researchers the list went down to three ideas/opportunities. Many of the other ideas will be taken care of internally at Södra. We have responsible people for each idea and looking forward to see some concrete action, either as full research projects or as student projects in one form or another.

We will by this show that there are many different ways to work together and it is by talking we can find out what works best for us within DISA and for you who wants to work closer with us. If you have ideas for joint research – don’t hesitate to contact us.
