Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

DISA Seminar May 9th


Welcome to our DISA seminar with invited guest Themis Palpanas from The Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP).

  • When? Monday May 9th 12-13
  • Where? Via Zoom – link will be sent to those who sign up
  • Registration: https://forms.gle/nE4nsNTKfy2FJ4pm7

Data Intelligence Institute of Paris: Creating a diiP Connection to DISA and Linnaeus University
The Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP) is an interdisciplinary initiative of Université Paris Cité (France). It is a laboratory that fosters and supports the emergence of interdisciplinary practices around data science and data intelligence. It gathers researchers from formal sciences, physical sciences, life sciences and social sciences. In this talk, we will describe the goals of diiP and its operation, and try to draw parallels with DISA. We hope that this seminar will initiate discussions and eventually collaborations between the two institutes and universities.

Themis Palpanas is Senior Member of the French University Institute (IUF), a distinction that recognizes excellence across all academic disciplines, and professor of computer science at the University of Paris (France), where he is director of the Data Intelligence Institute of Paris (diiP), and director of the data management group, diNo. He received the BS degree from the National Technical
University of Athens, Greece, and the MSc and PhD degrees from the University of Toronto, Canada. He has previously held positions at the University of California at Riverside, University of Trento, and at
IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, and visited Microsoft Research, and the IBM Almaden Research Center.

His interests include problems related to data science (big dataanalytics and machine learning applications). He is the author of 9 US patents (3 of which have been implemented in world-leading commercial data management products), and 2 French patents. He is the recipient of 3 Best Paper awards, and the IBM Shared University Research (SUR) Award. He is currently serving on the VLDB Endowment Board of Trustees, as an Associate Editor in the TKDE, and IDA journals, as well as on the
Editorial Advisory Board of the IS journal, and the Editorial Board of the TLDKS Journal. He has served as Editor in Chief for the BDR Journal (that he drove to an impact factor of 3.578 and cite score of
8.6), as General Chair for VLDB 2013, Associate Editor for VLDB 2022, 2019 and 2017, and Research PC Vice Chair for ICDE 2020.