Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications



The findings, experiences, and ideas that emerge from research have traditionally been utilized through academic publication and teaching programs. However, academic impact alone is no longer enough for a successful research career. With the growing emphasis in the research funding landscape on maximizing impact beyond academia, it is increasingly important that researchers reach wider society by embedding non-academic impact strategies in their projects, by working with a range of non-academic partners, and by using ever more innovative methods of dissemination and utilization. This course showcases a range of approaches researchers can employ to ensure that their research has impact and relevance beyond universities. It will also provide students with tools that will help them best communicate the value of their work to research funding agencies and potential investors.

The course is offered to PhD students in all disciplines from Linnaeus University and three other universities. The course consists of three mandatory seminars in the autumn of 2018 (Örebro, Östersund and Stockholm) provided by the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Karlstad University. The innovation office Fyrklövern covers the cost of your course travel and accommodation. The course is taught in English.

You can apply to the course from 1st March at 9:00 AM. Please send your application to fyrklovern.doktorand@kau.se by 11th May. You should provide your name, department, contact details, and a short description (max. 100 words) of your research project. Please ensure that you obtain your supervisor’s approval for attending the course, and also state their name in your application email.

For more information see course description or contact Mathias Gaunitz, Grants and innovation office at Linnaeus University


Conference: VINCI, August 13-15 2018


Welcome to the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI ‘18) that is arranged in Växjö August 13-15, 2018.

The Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction (VINCI) is the premier international forum for researchers and industrial practitioners to discuss the state-of-the-art in visual communication theories, designs, and applications.

For more information and registration: vinci-conf.org

Registration latest on August 1, 2018.


Invited journal article presentation at ACM IUI 2018 in Tokyo


A journal article titled “Active Learning and Visual Analytics for Stance Classification with ALVA“, co-authored by a DISA researcher Andreas Kerren, was invited for a presentation at the ACM IUI 2018 conference which took place in the National Center of Sciences Building, Tokyo, Japan during March 7–11, 2018. The article was presented by Kostiantyn Kucher, a PhD student in Computer Science with the ISOVIS group at Linnaeus University.

ACM IUI 2018 was the 23rd annual meeting of the intelligent interfaces community, where novel top-quality contributions in human-computer interaction, information visualization, artificial intelligence, and machine learning were presented. The main topics of interest during the conference seemed to be interactive machine learning (iML) and user interfaces for explainable artificial intelligence (XAI).

Our article presented at IUI is very much relevant to these topics: it describes a visual analytics environment ALVA that is designed for annotation of textual data, management of an active learning classifier, and visual analysis of the intermediate data. ALVA was previously developed as part of the finished VR-funded StaViCTA project for stance analysis of social media texts, and we plan to adapt and apply it for future tasks in DISA research.

//Kostiantyn Kucher

Stort grattis till eHälsoområdet inom DISA!


Området eHälsa får nu ytterligare förstärkning under tre år med medel för att skapa en strategisk plattform för forskning och som samverkar med det omgivande samhället. Här finns alltså möjligheter att knyta ihop tvärvetenskaplig forskning vid olika fakulteterna med forskningen inom DISA

En strategisk plattform ska utmärkas av att den bedriver forskning inom ett ämnesområde med viss bredd och samverkar med aktörer i samhället. En plattform ska involvera medarbetare från minst tre fakulteter, ha strategisk angelägenhetsgrad och även utvecklingspotential. Ledningen har också prioriterat områden med potential för extern finansiering.

För mer information kontakta Göran Petersson, Professor i hälsoinformatik inriktning läkemedelsvetenskap, verksamhetsledare för eHälsoinstitutet och vår forskningskoordinator för eHälsomorådet inom DISA


Seed funding available to get started with new research collaborations.


We are now offer the possibility of running seed-projects within Linnaeus University Centre on Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA).The seed projects are intended to promote and nurture excellence research, development, and innovation in data intensive sciences and application with cross-discipline collaboration.

DISA can finance up to 100 000 SEK to initiate research cooperation with a connection to data intensive sciences and applications. The seed-project should lead up to an application for external funding.

The consortium should consist of one or more researches from the DISA-consortium in close collaboration with other researchers in order to build strong cross-discipline collaboration. It is important that all members in the consortium have an active role in the seed project. Please describe the different roles in the proposal. Industry/public sector collaboration is a plus.

The evaluation criteria include relevance of the proposal for the operational and strategic goals of DISA, feasibility of the project activity and chances to succeed with an application for external funding within the project time.

The deadline for new proposals are the last day of each month. The group of coordinators of research within DISA takes a decision at their monthly meetings and you will get feedback on your proposal before the end of the month.

For more information about the process and how to apply click here.

Good luck!
