Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

European Researchers’ Night at Kafe de Luxe, Friday 27/09 at 19.00


On behalf of one of the other LNUCs the Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) we would like to invite you to the second edition of the successful European Researchers’ Night/ForskarFredag event, which will be held on Friday 27/09 in Kafe de Luxe at 19.00.

 The event will feature six short (and fun) presentations of new research from IMS members, a digital art installation on the theme of water called “deSALinatiON”, and a media bingo (with prizes!)

There will be a free fika and the bar will be open to purchase additional food and drinks.

Please join us  and bring friends!

For more information contact: Beate Schirrmacher (main organiser) https://lnu.se/en/staff/beate.schirrmacher/

More details of the programme here: https://lnu.se/en/modernmedia
