Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

First PhD-course in Python (7,5 credits) available for sign up

Postat den 20th June, 2018, 12:35 av Diana Unander

We are now offering the first PhD-courses of fall 2018 related to DISA, Python 7,5 credits. It’s also open for other potential PhD-students.

Course content

The first lectures will introduce the basics of Python programming, including different ways to run (e.g., Jupyter) and test programs. This part will also cover some of the standard modules, such as NumPy, Pandas, and MatPlotLib.

The rest of the course is structured around “How do you do X in Python,” where X is a topic such as Network Analysis, Text Mining, etc. Each topic will be covered by one or a few overview lectures that cover some of the essential algorithms in detail, how to implement them in Python, and which modules are available to use. The lectures will introduce some important computer science and computational ideas as well as programming best practices.

The course will also briefly cover how to use the DISA HPCC and how to run Python programs on multicore machines and a cluster of such machines.

After completing the course, the student should:

  • Be able to design algorithms to solve problems within their research domain and implement these using Python
  • Be able to reason about the performance of an algorithm and its implementation, as well as use various tools to optimize their implementation, including parallelization.
  • Know how to use essential Python modules, such as NumPy, SciPy, Scikits, Pandas, etc., as well as key modules within the topics (Xs) that the course covers.

Be able to reason about the benefits and drawbacks of Python as well as how it compares to other programming languages/environments and be able to argue for when and when not to use it.


A completed undergraduate program of at least 240 credits, including 60 credits at advanced level, or the equivalent. Some knowledge of programming and/or algorithms will be helpful.


The course will start on September 10th and finish by the end of October/beginning of November. The course will mainly have lectures (live and video), with meet ups every other week.


The registration needs to be finalized no later than August 31st. Register here.

If you have any questions please contact Morgan Ericsson.

Det här inlägget postades den June 20th, 2018, 12:35 och fylls under PhD-course

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