New chance to take the PhD-course in Applied Machine learning 3 credits
Postat den 20th August, 2018, 14:24 av Diana Unander
We are not offering you a second chance to take the PhD-course in Applied Machine Learning this fall.
Course content:
Data mining and machine learning is an area within computer science with the goal of bringing meaning to and learning from data. This course mixes theory and practice, with a focus on applied machine learning where we learn what algorithms and approaches to apply on different types of data.
The course includes the following:
- Supervised learning, different types of data and data processing
- Algorithms for handling text documents
- Algorithms for handling data with numerical and categorical attributes
- Neural Networks
- Deep Learning for image recognition
The course will start on Tuesday October 9th and finish by the end of the semester.
The registration needs to be finalized no later than September 19th 2018
Register here:
If you have any questions please turn to Johan Hagelbäck –
Det här inlägget postades den August 20th, 2018, 14:24 och fylls under PhD-course