Call for presentations – Digitala veckan
Postat den 5th October, 2018, 08:46 av Diana Unander
Submission deadline: Oct 28th, 2018
Welcome to Digitala veckan on November 15-16th in Växjö. Researchers at Linnaeus University with a focus on DISA has been invited to give a special session on Data analytics and what new value the data can give you. Detailed information on the conference can be found on the following web page:
For the special session Data Analytics and what new value the data can give you we invite submissions from DISA researchers (4 in total, 1-2 PhD-students) to present their research findings that can be of interest for an external audience, based on collaborations etc.
Acceptance requirements:
(i) The underlying paper has been published not longer than two years before the conference.
(ii) The topic of the work is clearly related to data-intensive sciences and applications.
(iii) At least one of the authors is a DISA researcher.
(iv) At least one of the authors registers for the conference and attends the conference to give a presentation about the paper.
Note, that the paper will not be part of any proceedings or similar. As the planned special session has only a restricted number of four slots only, we have to select according to a number of criteria, such as external interest, fitting into the DISA research aims, topical diversity (for example, not all talks on visualization or computational social sciences), etc. Therefore, we ask the submitters to carefully choose those papers and submit only one or maximal two papers of their very best work.
Information on these papers should be submitted via email to Diana Unander ( containing: list of authors (DISA researcher(s) should be marked), title, abstract and venue/journal where the papers originally appeared together with a link where the paper can be downloaded. The deadline is October 28th. We expect to notify about the acceptance at October 30th, the presentations will be given on November 15th.
Det här inlägget postades den October 5th, 2018, 08:46 och fylls under Astrophysics Building Technology Computational Social Science eHealth Events Forestry Information Quality Visual Analytics