Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

Seminar: “A Few Notes on Artificial Intelligence and Database Technology” – Thursday Jan. 23 at 13-14

Postat den 21st January, 2020, 11:34 av Diana Unander

Title: A Few Notes on Artificial Intelligence and Database Technology

Place: D1173
Time: 13-14
Date: January 23, 2020

Abstract: In this seminar I would like clarify the importance of the scientific theory functional object-types to approach reality. This theory help to evaluate knowledge representation formalisms, deep learning and data modelling and data transformations. Further, the theory, together with mathematical logic, is the foundation for the Match™ Technology Ecosystem that enables organisations to model, build no code applications and simplifying IT architectures.

About: Dr.Larry Lucardie has a background in Artificial Intelligence and Semantic Database modelling. At The Technical University of Eindhoven he graduated on a theory of complexity, functional classifications, that is fundamental to knowledge representation, deep learning and data modelling. Larry is the main architect of the Match™ AI & Data Technology Platform that is aligned to functional classifications. The Match™ platform enables organisations to design ISO compliant models of enterprise content, business fluid no-code applications, simplified IT architectures and smart internet portals.

As a Professor at the Uppsala University in Sweden, Larry lectured logic programming, knowledge and data modelling and E-business and supervised PHD students. He is founder and the current CEO of Knowledge Values and as such involved in improvement projects in the areas of value chain and process re-engineering and of process underlying technology as application development, IT architectures and data processing. Business areas: regulation management and compliance, E-commerce, financial processes products, incident management, compliance and Brexit.

Warm welcome,
Arianit Kurti, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Media Technology

Det här inlägget postades den January 21st, 2020, 11:34 och fylls under Events

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