Postat den 6th March, 2020, 12:27 av Diana Unander
The findings, experiences, and ideas that emerge from research have traditionally been utilized through academic publication and teaching programmes. However, academic impact alone is no longer enough for a successful research career. With the growing emphasis in the research funding landscape on maximizing impact beyond academia, it is increasingly important that researchers reach wider society by embedding non-academic impact strategies in their projects, by working with a range of non-academic partners, and by using ever more innovative methods of dissemination and utilization. This course showcases a range of approaches researchers can employ to ensure that their research has impact and relevance beyond universities. It will also provide students with tools that will help them best communicate the value of their work to research funders and potential investors.
How to Apply?
Opens 2nd March at 9:00 AM. Please send your application to by 11th May. You should provide your name, department, contact details, and a short description (max. 100 words) of your research project. Please ensure that you obtain your supervisor’s approval for attending the course, and also state their name in your application email.
Eligibility and further details
The course is offered to PhD students in all disciplines from Karlstad University, Linnaeus University, Mid Sweden University and Örebro University. The course consists of three mandatory sessions in the autumnof 2020 (at Karlstad, Sundsvall, and Stockholm). The course syllabus has been evaluated and approved by the Research Education Committee at Karlstad University’s Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. The innovation office Fyrklövern covers the cost of your course travel and accommodation. The course is taught in English.
The syllabus at
For more information contact: Martina Lago, Innovation Advisor, or 0480-446062
PhD-course 2020
Det här inlägget postades den March 6th, 2020, 12:27 och fylls under PhD-course