Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

Call for contributions: Journal of Data and Information Science

Postat den 21st April, 2020, 08:28 av Diana Unander

Call for contributions to a Special Issue on Open Government Data (OGD) for Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery

We are pleased to announce the Call for Contributions to a Special Issue of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS) on Open Government Data (OGD) for Data Analytics and Knowledge Discovery. JDIS, a quarterly English language research journal, aims to publish basic and applied research on data-driven analytics for knowledge discovery, is edited by an international team of experts in the fields, and is indexed by ESCI and Scopus. The special issue intends to publish as the 4th issue of 2020.

Co-Guest-Editors-in-Chief for the special issue: Koraljka Golub, Fredrik Hanell, Guangjian Li, Arwid Lund.

Scope of this special issue:
Open Government Data (OGD) have long been discussed and its rationale and general frameworks are being implemented. The concept was coined in 2007 and refers to data and information that public bodies has produced or commissioned, and that are open for use, re-use and distribution. Remaining challenges are still many and include data analytics, data interoperability and data fusion, data capability and data literacy, assessment and incentivizing of OGD. These are in turn entangled with related local, national and international policies, historical traditions and IT infrastructures.
This special issue of Journal of Data and Information Science (JDIS) invites contributions on OGD for data analytics and knowledge discovery. The perspectives focus in particular on 1) general approaches and specific algorithms, processes or tools for knowledge discovery; 2) application areas and cases of use, including metrics and decision making in different contexts; 3) pre-requisites for access to data: data capability and data literacy; data and metadata standards to support data and knowledge discovery (including entity extraction); user interfaces; data formats; 4) related policies.

Time schedule:
(1) Submissions open: April 1, 2020
(2) Submissions closed: August 15, 2020
(3) Review comments: one month after the submission and no later than September 15, 2020
(4) Revision returned: one month after the review comments and no later than September 30, 2020
(5) Final decision on acceptance: October 15, 2020
(6) Publication: Nov.15, 2020

Submission Guidelines:
Authors are asked to organize their manuscripts according to the guidelines for contributors on the journal’s homepage. Submitted manuscripts should ideally be no more than 12 pages (including tables, figures and references) but longer versions can be taken if the content merits. We welcome good quality submissions. In case of having more accepted papers than one issue of JDIS can hold, JDIS will extend the special issue into its following issues.
All manuscripts will undergo a peer review process. Accepted papers will be freely available online as OPEN ACCESS papers WITHOUT any article processing charges.

To submit your manuscript:
(1) Open the journal’s Editorial Manager (https://mc03.manuscriptcentral.com/jdis) and login as an author. If you do not yet have a user name and password, please, register first.
(2) Click on “Submit New Manuscript”.
(3) Choose “Article type”: ‘Others (accompanied by description ‘Special Issue OGD’)’. This is important since your paper will otherwise be reviewed as an ‘ordinary’ paper and, in case of acceptance, be published in a regular issue.
(4) From this point on, submit your paper as you usually do.

Further information
For questions regarding this special issue, please contact the Guest-Editor-in-Chief: Koralijka Golub (koraljka.golub@lnu.se), or for technical details on submitting, please contact Miss Nan Zhou (zhoun@mail.las.ac.cn) at JDIS editorial office.

We look forward to receiving your submission!

Det här inlägget postades den April 21st, 2020, 08:28 och fylls under Publications

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