Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

Call for presentations, Big Data Conference 2020

Postat den 23rd October, 2020, 11:42 av Diana Unander

A fast-forward (FF) + virtual poster (VP) sessions will be organized as part of the Big Data Conference 2020. In the FF presentations, each participant gets to show a 3-minute video to briefly summarize her/his research. Directly after the FF,  participants will be redirected to breakout rooms where it will be possible to present their VP and interact with the interested public.

The FF+VP presentations can focus on either ongoing research or new ideas:

1) Ongoing research will focus on research recently published or at an advanced stage of elaboration. The main goal here is to present research results of general interest for the public of the conference and eventually receive feedback on ongoing work.

2) New ideas will focus on future research, plans, or simply new ideas. The goal here is to share with the public their own plans, receive feedback, find partners and possibly find synergies to develop future research together.


To submit to the FF+VP session, participants should submit a 500-word abstract briefly presenting the research by November 9th, 2020 to Diana Unander, diana.unander@lnu.se  Each participant can submit at most two abstracts.

Acceptance information will be sent out by November 13th, 2020.

If accepted, a video (in videos in 720p and mp4 format) of maximum 3 minutes should be sent by November 24th, 2020.

For more information or questions, please contact:

Det här inlägget postades den October 23rd, 2020, 11:42 och fylls under Events General

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