DISA-DH researchers granted external infrastructure funding
Postat den 15th December, 2021, 11:29 av Diana Unander
Professor Mikko Laitinen from DISA is one the principal investigators of a national consortium for digital humanities that was awarded research funding for building and upgrading of national and international research infrastructures in Finland.
Academy of Finland last week granted nearly 36 million euros between 15 research infrastructures. Laitinen is a member of FIN-CLARIAH, which is a national research infrastructure for digital and computational social sciences and the humanities, comprising two components: the first supports research based on various language resources, and the other one develops digital infrastructure tools and solutions for large and heterogeneous datasets for the humanities and social sciences. Laitinen points out that the connections and especially the interdisciplinary research on social media that was carried out in the first DISA period were integral in becoming part of this national consortium.
For more information, please contact mikko.laitinen@lnu.se
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