When? Friday October 6th 14-16
Where? Onsite: D1140 at Linnaeus University in Växjö and online
Registration: Please sign up for the PhD-seminar via this link https://forms.gle/dQLHkqx9ctt2ws82A by October 3rd (especially important if you plan on attending onsite so we have fika for everyone)
14.00-14.10 Welcome and practical information from Welf Löwe
14.10-14.55 Presentation and discussion: Bridging the Gap: A Hybrid Recommendation System for E-Commerce Cold Start Challenges – Kailash Chowdary Bodduluri, Industry PhD-student HL Design
14.55 – 15.05 Coffee break
15.05 – 15.50 Presentation and discussion – Continuous Performance Management of Business Processes via Digital Twin and Model-Driven Architecture – Samuele Giussani, PhD student at LNU
15.50 -16.00 Sum up and plan for our next seminar on November 3rd
Bridging the Gap: A Hybrid Recommendation System for E-Commerce Cold Start Challenges – Kailash Chowdary Bodduluri, Industry PhD-student HL Design
Abstract: In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, effective recommendation systems play a pivotal role in enhancing user experiences and boosting sales. However, the ubiquitous cold start problem has long been a challenge in implementing recommendation systems, particularly for businesses like HL Design that provide smart webshops to e-commerce customers. To address this challenge, extensive research was conducted through a systematic literature review on hybrid recommendation systems in the e-commerce domain. This review aimed to identify existing algorithms in the literature and uncover potential areas for adaptation. The literature review revealed some existing research gaps in the context of dealing with cold start issues. To bridge these gaps, a novel hybrid recommendation system was developed. This system leverages product images and descriptions, identifies similar products based on user sessions, and incorporates historical sales data. By combining these diverse data sources, the developed system offers innovative solutions to tackle the persistent cold start challenges in recommendation systems. This seminar will delve into the journey of identifying these research gaps, developing the hybrid recommendation system, and exploring its effectiveness in addressing cold start issues. It promises to be an enlightening discussion for those navigating the complex realm of recommendation systems in e-commerce.”
Continuous Performance Management of Business Processes via Digital Twin and Model-Driven Architecture – Samuele Giussani, PhD student at LNU
Business Process Management (BPM) deals with administrating the chains of events, activities, and decisions that add value to an organization. It is of particular interest to assess the business process performance in a continuous way, in order to gather as much information as possible to allow informed decisions in the value chain.
However, organizations are often complex and driven by several business-critical processes, that should be continuously monitored, evaluated, and managed to deliver value-added products and services to customers. To this end, we employ a Digital Twin of the Organization (DTO), which is a virtual representation of the organization that includes all the actors and activities implementing the business processes, to estimate and analyze the relevant Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).
The notation commonly adopted in BPM is distant from what a DTO can use to produce its results, so we introduce Biz2Sim, a model transformer tool that leverages the Model-Driven Architecture (MDA) approach to obtain simulation models from the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). By incorporating both Biz2Sim and the DTO in the traditional BPM lifecycle, performance assessment can be performed with real-time data and with an increased degree of automation.