Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

INVITATION: Applications for Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships (MSCA-PF) 2021

Postat den 11th May, 2021, 14:44 av Diana Unander

If you work within the research areas of data intensive research and are interested in spending one or two years as a researcher at the Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA, https://lnu.se/en/disa), you are welcome to submit a proposal for participating in a DISA effort. DISA researches open questions in collection, analysis and utilization of large data sets applied to thematic areas such as astrophysics, mechanical engineering, construction, eHealth, social sciences, and the humanities, see details below. With its core in computer science, it takes a multidisciplinary approach and collaborates with researchers from all faculties at the university.

The effort is supported by our Grants and Innovation Office (GIO) and should lead to an application for funding from MSCA-PF, allowing you to conduct a PostDoc research project and participate in the DISA activities.

We welcome all proposals within our core and thematic research fields, but are especially interested in applications that address data intensive research conducted in or together with one of our thematic areas.

A few important:

  • May 23th 2021 – Deadline for submitting initial proposals.
  • June 4th 2021 (a.m.) – Online MSCA-PF information. Presentation of important points and formalities.
  • June 27th 2021 – Deadline for submitting first drafts of full MSCA-PF applications
  • July 1st – Feedback session between supervisors and the applicant
  • Preliminary 15 September, 5 pm (Swedish time) – Deadline for submitting MSCA-PF applications to the European commission.

The European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships are open to researchers moving within Europe, as well as those coming in from other parts of the world, as long as one has not lived or worked in Sweden for more than 12 months during the last 3 years (preliminary reference date: 15 September 2021). If the application is approved, you must move to Sweden. The applicant should be an experienced researcher, meaning that she or he should hold a doctoral degree (or receive such a degree before 9/2021). There is also an upper age limit: eligible researchers have a maximum of 8 years full-time equivalent experience in research, measured from the date of award of the doctoral degree. Years of experience outside research and career breaks (e.g., due to parental leave) are deductible, similarly years outside Europe (for European citizens and long-term residents).

The grant provides an allowance to cover living, travel and family costs. In addition, the European Union contributes to the training, networking and research costs of the fellow, as well as to the management and indirect costs of the project. The applicant with the aid of the host organization should write the application. For more information, see https://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/actions/individual-fellowships_en

DISA is organized in core and thematic research areas. Currently, the core areas are Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling (DSM), Data Intensive Software Technologies and Applications (DISTA), Self-Adaptation (AdaptWise), and Information and Software Visualization (ISOVIS). The thematic areas are Astroparticle Physics (APP), Digital Humanities (DH), Computational Social Sciences (CSS), Forestry, Wood and Building Technologies (WBT), eHealth, and the Smart Industry group (SIG). The DISA core areas focus on data intensive technologies and their foundations. The thematic areas use these technologies and foundations in applied or fundamental research in the sciences, engineering, and the humanities. Conversely, the thematic areas provide the testbed and the data for applied research in the core areas.

May 23th 2021
Deadline for submitting proposals. Please include a copy of your PhD exam certificate, a brief CV emphasizing research activities and publications (one–two pages). The proposal should further contain a brief description of the research project that you propose to elaborate for an application for MSCA-PF funding (one–two pages). This description must include purpose and aims of the project, significance, brief theoretical and methodological accounts, and a declaration of expected outcomes. Please also indicate who might be your potential DISA collaborator(s). The working language of DISA is English and the application to MSCA-PF and the research publications (if the application should be granted) must be written in English as well. Please send your proposal to diana.unander@lnu.se.

May 24-28th 2021
DISA assigns potential main and second supervisors to interested applicants. Supervisors give feedback on the applicants’ proposals during the process and the main supervisor will eventually be visible in the final application with a description of their research area and their connection to DISA.

May 28th 2021
As soon as we have received all proposals, a selection will be made and you will be notified about the result. The criteria for judging the proposals will be their general quality, their relevance for DISA, and our capacity to offer suitable supervision. If your proposal is accepted, we will send you further details about a workshop. Due to Covid-19, this year’s workshop will be online (via Zoom).

June 4th 2021 (a.m.)
Online MSCA-PF information session with Annett Wolf, GIO. Presentation of important points and formalities.

June 27th 2021
Deadline for submitting first drafts of full MSCA-PF applications to diana.unander@lnu.se and annett.wolf@lnu.se. At this stage, the application must be substantial enough to qualify for further participation in the workshop and ensuing activities.

July 1st
Feedback session between supervisors and the applicant where each applicant gets 15-20 min of feedback on their proposal. All supervisors and applicants should attend the seminar, since there is a great risk for missing details and hints that all can benefit from.

July–August 2021
Continued work with the applications. As of early to mid-August, applicants can send their improved drafts to GIO and DISA contact persons for feedback according to individual agreements.

Preliminary 15 September, 5 pm (Swedish time)
Deadline for submitting MSCA-PF applications to the European commission. Applicants are responsible for this. We strongly recommend submission at least one day earlier to avoid aborted applications due to technical problems or server overloads.

Contact persons
Welf Löwe
Professor Computer Science and Managing Director, DISA

Diana Unander
Research and project coordinator, DISA

Annett Wolf
PhD, European Grants Advisor

Det här inlägget postades den May 11th, 2021, 14:44 och fylls under General

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