Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications

New PhD-course being offered within DISA – Applied information Visualizations 7,5 credits

Postat den 20th February, 2018, 09:00 av Diana Unander

We are now offering one of the first PhD-courses related to DISA. It’s also open for other potential PhD-students.

Course content:

Information Visualization (InfoVis) is an area of research that focuses on the use of visualization techniques to help people understand and analyze abstract data (such as tables or hierarchies).

The course includes visual representations, interaction techniques and visualization systems for:

  • text and documents,
  • network data (graphs),
  • time series,
  • software-related data,
  • SoftVis, WebVis, BioMedVis, and GeoVis.

Also discussed topics of importance are collaborative and personal visualization, Visual Analytics, evaluation methods for systems/tools, and research challenges in InfoVis and Visual Analytics.


The course will start on March 19 and finish on by the end of the semester.

See the full time schedule 


The registration needs to be finalized no later than March 2nd 2018

Register here

We will soon be launching more courses – so keep an eye out!



Det här inlägget postades den February 20th, 2018, 09:00 och fylls under PhD-course

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