Sjuksköterskestudenter utomlands

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Taking a nap at work

Postat den 10th October, 2015, 22:00 av sjukskoterskor

Did you know that there are studies who have been made with doctors if it is good to take a nap at work when you work a long shift? These studies have shown that it is good, and that you can gain back your concentration. Here at the ward they have the modell to take a 30-minute nap at working hours sometimes. I know that not everybody is doing it every day they work, but I know that my supervisor e.g. does it sometimes. I was allowed to do that too one day and I can tell for sure that this is a modell I would like to have at my future-working-place. I felt so much better and stronger afterwards again. Just 30 min in a nice room with beautiful lights and calm music. This is actually something I want to take with me to Sweden, not just for doctors and not just for people who work long hour shifts!



Det här inlägget postades den October 10th, 2015, 22:00 och fylls under Österrike Praktik utomlands Wien

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