Various activities April – June 2018
Cornelius Holtorf ran a half-day Future Workshop for the Steering Group of Kalmar Castle (12 April 2018)
Cornelius Holtorf ran a half-day Future Workshop for the Heritage Team of Kalmar Country Council (13 April 2018)
Ett samtal om konst, arkeologi och kärnkraft mellan Malin Pettersson Öberg och Cornelius Holtorf, Vallentuna kulturhus i samband med utställningen Precarious Spaces Radiant Days (22 April 2018).
Cornelius Holtorf, Anders Högberg and Claudio Piscatore take part in a planning meeting for a cross-sectoral workshop on Societal Memory, National Swedish Archive, Stockholm (26 April 2018)
Claudio Pescatore holds a lecture at Linnaeus University, Campus Växjö, entitled “When the rocket is up – retrievability and memory of radioactive waste internationally” (27 April 2018).
Cornelius Holtorf held an Inaugural Lecture as UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures entitled “Varför behöver UNESCO en framtidsarkeolog?” Linnaeus University, Kalmar (15 May 2018)
Cornelius Holtorf held a keynote lecture entitled “Die Rolle der Archäologie in der Gesellschaft: Überzeugungsarbeit in der Gegenwart oder Planen unserer Zukunft?” at the Annual Meeting of the Netzwerk Archäologie Schweiz dedicated to the theme “Was hat Archäologie mit mir zu tun?”, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (21 June 2018)
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