Our workshop on Information and memory for future decision making – radioactive waste and beyond held 21–23 May 2019 in Stockholm brought together some 60 experts and stakeholders on nuclear waste, other kinds of hazardous waste and cultural heritage. We discussed in lectures, workshops and plenary discussion how best to preserve information and maintain memory over centuries and millennia in the context of sustainable development.
These days were the outcome of a unique collaboration between the Swedish Council for Nuclear Waste, The National Archives of Sweden, and Linnaeus University. Project partners included even representatives of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel and Waste Management Company, the Swedish Radiation Authority, the Swedish Office for Nuclear Waste Review, and the municipalities of Östhammar and Oskarshamn.

The workshop was also the start-up for our new Vinnova project Memory Across Generations. As a concrete outcome of the meeting, a 2-page document containing “Guiding principles and practical goals…” is now being finalised and will be linked from here soon. Proceedings of the workshop will be available during the autumn 2019 from the site linked to in the first line of this entry.
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