Speculative historical marker in New York
In relation to the forthcoming UN Summit of the Future, Tactical Public AR(t) created a specularive historical marker for New York.
Tactical Public AR(t) is a collaboration between an education, technology and social innovation specialist and a public art specialist. It uses Augmented Reality* to educate, empower, and amplify.
They invite young people from around the world to have their voice heard through an innovative way by creating speculative future historical messages related to the themes of the Summit of the Future. Many of these will be placed on augmented reality historical markers which will be located around the UN and New York City during the Summit of the Future. They ask:
- Which potential actions are most important to you, imagining that they will be commemorated?
- What is your desired future?
- What might it take to get there?
But isn’t it ironic that those advocating for “multi-generational decision-making” choose to make their point by using some of the most backward looking and generally least-appreciated forms of heritage… ?
[…] Chair on Heritage Futures « Culture, cultural heritage and COP26 […]
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