Chair on Heritage Futures

World Futures Day 4 December UNESCO

Postat den 7th December, 2023, 13:15 av Helena Rydén

Cornelius Holtorf and Helena Rydén celebrated UNESCO World Futures Day 2023 #FuturesDay at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, by joining the global conversation on futures and foresight: Building Inclusive Societies through Futures Literacy & Foresight.


The event was well attended, both in Paris and online.

WFD Paris 2023

World Futures Day in Paris, UNESCO 2023. The day ended with experimental future-oriented approaches, by Pedro De Senna, Cornelius Holtorf and Laura Watts. You can see the recording here https://webcast.unesco.org/events/2023-12-WFD/ (starts at ca 3:23:00). 

WFD 2023 Paris

Linnaeus University made an impact!

Det här inlägget postades den December 7th, 2023, 13:15 och fylls under blogg

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