Various Activities October-December 2024
Postat den 15th January, 2025, 08:58 av Cornelius Holtorf
Cornelius Holtorf had an informal meeting with Maria Wilenius, new Secretary-General, and Ellinor Hellberg, responsible for culture, Swedish National Commission for UNESCO, to discuss the renewal of our UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures 2025-2029 (4 October 2024).
Gustav Wollentz lectured for two hours on heritage futures to XX students reading the course “An introduction to Cultural Heritage”, Linnaeus University, Kalmar students (TO BE COMPLETED).
Cornelius Holtorf lectured for three hours on “Cultural and heritage tourism – making choices for the future” for 14 students taking the advanced-level course on Tourism and Sustainability in the Anthropocene 15 credits in Tourism and Recreation Studies at Linnaeus University, Kalmar (10 October 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf held a class on culture and the future for about ten students taking the course “Ethics and Anthropology” at the University of Cork, Ireland (10 October 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf was invited to present for ca 50 participants of the Swedish County Museums Autumn Meeting (Länsmuseernas höstmöte) on the extent to which the Swedish County Museums are contributing to peace rather than preparing for war (17 October 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf introduced and led a discussion on the importance of the past and cultural heritage for civil defense and cultural mobilisation during the Meeting of the Scientific Council of the LEIBNIZ Centre for Archaeology (LEIZA) held in Schleswig, Germany (24 October 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf had an informal meeting with Steven Hartman, Executive Director, UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Coalition, about future collaborations and mutual endorsements (4 November 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf held an informal meeting with Michael Münker of Milliongenerations Foundation in Utrecht, Netherlands, about future collaborations relating to global art and culture in relation to future generations (22 November 2024).
Gustav Wollentz and Anders Högberg ran a futures workshop for XX decision-makers at the Cultural Administration at Västragötalands Region in Göteborg, Sweden (22 November 2024). TO BE COMPLETED
Cornelius Holtorf was invited to contribute to a panel on 60 years Venice Charter, addressing the topic “Regeneration vs the Venice Charter”, for 20 members of ICOMOS Sweden attending the ICOMOS Sweden Advent meeting in Stockholm, Sweden (26 November 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf took part in the Transitional First Meeting of the Expert Group on Archiving and Awareness Preservation (EGAAP) of the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA) of the OECD (27 November 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf contributed as a panel member to Linnaeus University’s internal “Future Day” on 3 December 2024.
Cornelius Holtorf took part in the online round table “Exploring connections – climate action for living heritage” co-organized by UNESCO, the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Latin America (CRESPIAL) and the ICH NGO Forum and held in the framework of the Nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in Asunción, Paraguay (3 December 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf met with Emma Rydnér, co-ordinator of the Agricultural Landscape of Southern Öland World Heritage property at the Municipality of Mörbylånga, Öland, to discuss future collaboration (4 December 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf presented an online talk on “The meaning of culture in global policy for sustainable development” for CultureSustain – a network researching Scandinavian museums’ impact on Cultural Sustainability based at the University of Aarhus, Denmark (5 December 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf had an informal meeting on heritage futures with Nataliya Oboznenko, researcher, Lecturer in Marketing, and Academic Director at the Lviv Business School of the Ukrainian Catholic University (13 December 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf lectured on “Archaeology, Climate and Sustainability” for 17 students taking the course “Archaeology I” at Linnaeus University, Campus Kalmar (18 December 2024).
Cornelius Holtorf lectured on “Global Cultural Policy” for 13 students taking the course “Possibilities and Limits of Cultural Policy”, which forms part of the Undergraduate Programme in Cultural heritage in present and future societies at Linnaeus University, Campus Kalmar (19 December 2024).
Det här inlägget postades den January 15th, 2025, 08:58 och fylls under blogg