Chair on Heritage Futures

Various activities October – December 2021

Postat den 31st December, 2021, 15:23 av Cornelius Holtorf

Cornelius Holtorf and Helena Rydén took part in the Opening of the Knowledge Cube “Back to the Future” by Cornelia Witthöft, Deputy Vice Chancellor for Research, at Linnaeus University, Campus Växjö (4 October 2021)

Cornelius Holtorf presented a digital keynote lecture on “Cultural heritage addressing the needs of future generations?” for 18 attendants of the ILUCIDARE Summer School Alumni meeting held at the Research Institute for European Heritage, International Cultural Centre, Krakow, Poland (5 October 2021)

Cornelius Holtorf held a conversation with Peter Aronsson (Vice-Chancellor at Linnaeus University) on “What does it mean making cultural heritage sustainable?” for 60 participants of a physical and digital conference on Cultural Heritage for a Sustainable Future, Kalmar Castle, Sweden (7 October 2021)

Claudio Pescatore became in October 2021 a Corresponding member of the UNESCO Memory of the World Programme’s Sub-Committee on Education and Research (SCEaR). With Jonas Palm, he has now the mandate to develop a paper that describes the problems and needs of giving information on nuclear waste a long-term perspective and the help and context that UNESCO and Memory of the World could give.

Cornelius Holtorf participated together with more than 50 international experts in a virtual seminar on a draft White Paper on “Solutions” in the run-up to the International Co-Sponsored Meeting on Culture, Heritage and Climate Change (14 October 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf and Anders Högberg led a full-day futures workshop in Lund for 17 members of the Network “Kulturmiljö Skåne” (21 October 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf participated in the World Heritage Council meeting for the World Heritage site “Agricultural Landscape Southern Öland” in Mörbylånga (22 October 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf sent short feedback to Sweden’s draft strategy for collaboration with UNESCO 2022-2025 (27 October 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf attended the Inaugural Lecture of Julius Heinicke, incoming chairholder of the UNESCO Chair in Cultural Policy for the Arts in Development, and the following panel discussion featuring Maria Böhmer, President of the German UNESCO-Commission, at the University of Hildesheim, Germany (27 October 2021).

Presentation by Cornelius Holtorf about heritage futures for the Committee for Culture and Leisure at the City Council of Olofström, Sweden (28 October 2021)

Invited presentation by Cornelius Holtorf on the work of the UNESCO Chair and “how to address heritage futures” for ca 120 participants in the 2021 Cultural Heritage Day “The future of cultural heritage” of the Heritage Experience Initiative at the University of Oslo (18 November 2021).  

Cornelius Holtorf attended a World Heritage Colloquium discussing the connections between World Heritage and the Agenda 2030, organised by the Swedish National Heritage Board (19 November 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf participated in the annual meeting of ICOMOS Sweden and reported about activities in the International Scientific Committee on Interpretation and Presentation (ICIP) where he is representing Sweden (22 November 2022).

Cornelius Holtorf took part in two global Foresight Workshops organised by International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM) as part of its Foresight Initiative (23 and 26 November 2021).

Cornelius Holtorf gave a presentation on the ICOMOS University Forum Pilot Workshops 2017 and 2019, which he had been involved in co-organising, for more than 50 participants in an international ICOMOS working session on the development of the University Forum (25 November 2021).

Invited Lecture by Cornelius Holtorf on “The UNESCO Chair on Heritage Futures and what we do” as part of the UNESCO Chair Lecture Series on Heritage Conservation Methodology, forming part of the International Cultural Heritage Masters at Korean National University of Cultural Heritage, South Korea (30 November 2021).

Det här inlägget postades den December 31st, 2021, 15:23 och fylls under blogg

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